JAKARTA - Francis Ngannou will face Tyson Fury in October. He started training with boxing legend Mike Tyson.

Tyson, 57, is considered one of the greatest boxers in history. Now he gets the task of training Ngannou to win the fight against Fury in Saudi Arabia on October 28.

Ngannou showcased a combination of punches and speed forces during an open training session with Tyson, recently. Seen in a video, Cameroonian fighters receive all directions from Tyson.

The man nicknamed The Concrete Neck shows Ngannou how to defend properly while giving a deadly blow to the opponent.

Previously, Fury expressed his disappointment that Tyson chose to train Ngannou. But Tyson only gave a firm response to the King ofTEN

"This is a business, and he understands it," said Tyson.

Regarding Ngannou's chances, Tyson said, "I think he will do very well. Look, it's all experience, he's fighting, he just needs to remember not to use his feet, which he never really did."

"He is a true hard beater. Very fast for big men. I think he will perform much better than most people trust him," Tyson continued.

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