JAKARTA – The idea of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) to have a regional National Training Center has now been realized in the western region of Indonesia. The parent of the national badminton organization wants the best potential to be born from here.

The regional national training center located in Medan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), was inaugurated by the General Chairperson of PBSI Executive Board (PP) Agung Firman Sampurna on Tuesday, January 11 yesterday.

"Today is our opportunity to make an official announcement that the North Sumatra PBSI Provincial Pengprov will get an honor to be the National Pelatnas for the western part of Indonesia," said the PBSI Chairman (Ketum) in a statement received by VOI.

The inauguration was marked by the signing of the inscription at the North Sumatra PBSI Building, PBSI Building Street, Percut Sei Tuan, Medan.

Present at this event were the Governor of North Sumatra Edy Rahmayadi, PBSI Daily Chair Alex Tirta, Deputy Chair II Eduart Wolok, and General Chair of the North Sumatra PBSI Pengprov Suripno Ngadimin.

The PBSI plans to have at least three Regional National Teams. After the western region will follow the central region, and eastern Indonesia. All of these Regional Training will be known as the Decentralized National Trainings.

"This is an idea that has been around for 12 years, but has been hampered many times. And now with sufficient preparation, we dared ourselves. So we have a National Training Center that will conduct coaching and development for senior athletes and then we will expand this as part of the training. from junior national training for western Indonesia," said Agung.

The North Sumatran PBSI Pengprov looks very ready to be the place for the Western Region National Training Center. They totally renovated the badminton hall and built an athlete dormitory.

The Regional National Training Center was created in order to accommodate the greatest young talents throughout the vast territory of Indonesia.

"We know very well that Indonesia has the best potential talents and it is impossible to centralize everything to the center. But as well as decentralization," said Agung.

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