YOGYAKARTA - The public administration department may not be as popular as other majors. In fact, the department is very interesting because it offers knowledge related to the administration needed by various parties. The job prospects of Public Administration are wide open, both within the scope of government agencies, private companies, and others.
Public Administration is a major under the auspices of the Faculty of Administration or Social Sciences. The department focuses on studies in the fields of government policies, law, organizational theory, and various materials related to government science. Students will be taught budgeting skills, finance, to HR management.
This department is suitable for IPS graduates because the knowledge taught is quite related. However, the department is also not closed to be registered by high school graduates. So what are the prospects for the work of Public Administration that you need to know for references to college registration.
Graduates majoring in Public Administration have a fairly wide career opportunity. Lowongans who need a Public Administration Bachelor (S.AP) come from various industries, ranging from private companies, government services, and so on.
The following is the working prospect of the Public Administration that you can use as a reference when registering for the department for further studies:
One of the professional choices that can be pursued by students majoring in Public Administration is being a government consultant. Government agencies will continue to face new challenges along with the times. They need a consultant who is able to provide careful solutions.
A government consultant will work to help create a policy strategy that is good and relevant to the current era. This strategy will be needed by institutional officials in dealing with every problem.
A graduate of the Public Administration can also have a career as HR management. They have good insight in the world of organizational management and human resource policy development. Graduates of public administration can work to manage recruitment, training, and HR development programs in the government or private sector.
Another profession that can be taken by the Public Administration department is to become an NGO worker. The knowledge of public policy and government management studied by them is very much needed at NGOs.
graduates of the Public Administration will be tasked with monitoring related programs to help non-profit organizations and government agencies become more efficient. They will collaborate with the PR team to maintain the image of the institution and improve institutions with the public.
The world of politics can also be a career path for graduates of the Public Administration. They can work as staff in legislative institutions, whether it's the DPR, DPRD, or DPD. When students, they learn about how to make policies. This knowledge is urgently needed in programs in the legislature or politics.
The graduates of the Public Administration also have the opportunity to work as BUMN employees. Not only are they wanted to fill positions in government agencies, but there are also many fresh graduates needed in various SOEs.
Activities in state-owned companies have a lot to do with taxation and administrative needs. As graduates of the Public Administration, they are required to use their competence in this regard when working in the financial division or taxation of state-owned companies.
Another career prospect that is interesting for graduates of the Public Administration is to become staff of financial institutions. They can work in financial institutions such as banks. Various banks in Indonesia need employees who have competence in the field of financial management. Also read the job prospects for the Information System.
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