JAKARTA - Various automotive manufacturers continue to compete to create new things towards an era of environmentally friendly vehicles, including Toyota which not only brings technology to infrastructure but also other innovations.

Toyota specifically presents the xEV Center, which involves triple helix from the automotive industry, the government to academics. The first location is in the TMMIN Karawang 3 factory area with an area of 600 m2.

This location is here to provide education to the general public to various groups related to technology to the preparation of the automotive industry, especially Toyota in welcoming the electrification era.

"There are four pillars of education at the xEV Center as an electrification information center and other facilities related to HEV, PHEV, BEV showcase and driving experience, xEV cut body, xEV main component (Battery, power control unit (PCU), tarnsaxle), outdoor charging station," wrote the statement received, Monday, June 3.

All information related to electrification technology can be obtained easily, with the division of zones.

The first zone is related to environmental initiatives that discuss therodmap energy in Indonesia to create a green environment in Indonesia.

The next zone is related to the classification of ICE and xEV vehicles that explain technology related to electrified cars such as cut body Prius and Mirai. Details of component explanations can also be accessed through today's technology, namely using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

While the zone three is related to the green ecosystem, about well to wheel emissions. Type-type charging, electricity equipment found in the green ecosystem.

Meanwhile, zone 4 is Toyota Indonesia's activity with the Government and Academics in realizing the transformation towards the electrification era. In this zone, a summary of Toyota Indonesia's cooperation initiative since 2018 with a number of universities in Indonesia (UI, LPEM UI, ITB, UGM, UNS, ITS, Udayana University, and Diponegoro University has produced a number of useful research in the field of electrification.

Overall, the presence of the xEV Center aims to increase public awareness of the importance of achieving a greener environment through the presence of various electrification technologies in Indonesia.

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