JAKARTA - The Indonesian Mercedes-Benz Club (MB Club Ina) will again hold a National Jambore (Jamnas) on 27-28 September 2024 at the Peninsula Island The Nusa Dua, Bali, a tourism area managed by In Journey Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC).

The event (Jamnas), which was held by an organization that is a forum for Mercedes-Benz lovers in Indonesia, is not only a meeting, but also carries a big mission behind every series of activities being held.

With the theme 'Harmony in Motion: Celebrating Mercedes-Benz Passion and Milestones', the event also aims to celebrate love and unity in the Mercedes-Benz community as well as commemorate the two decades founding of the Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia.

"This annual event invites all members of the club under the auspices of the Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia as well as automotive fans and stakeholders to participate in this grand celebration and let's create extraordinary experiences that will be remembered," said President of Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia I Made Yoga Mahardhika, in his official statement, Monday, June 3.

I Made Yoga said that in the event Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia was committed to presenting an unmatched combination of the natural beauty of Balinese culture and sophisticated performance which is a characteristic of the Mercedes-Benz brand.

"Let's make the National Jamboree MB Club Ina XIX an event for friendship, joy, unforgettable togetherness, and a means for promotion for sponsors who support the inI event," he added.

On the same occasion, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI), Bambang Soesatyo, revealed that as the General Chair of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) he saw the Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia National Jamboree as an important event, which not only promotes love for automotives but also strengthens the bonds of brotherhood between community members and the general public.

"I appreciate the Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia initiative in holding social activities such as planting mangroves that reflect concern for the environment," said Bamsoet.

This event is also supported by PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia. Sales and Marketing Director of PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia Kariyanto Hardjosoemarto stated that he really supports this event because it is an extraordinary forum to show the latest innovation and technology from Mercedes-Benz.

"We hope that through this National Jamboree, Mercedes-Benz fans can get closer to our brand and enjoy a unique experience with the community," Kerry said.

The event was attended by 116 Mercedes-Benz clubs from all over Indonesia and more than 10 clubs from 2 other countries. 10,000 club members and 10,000 visitors from the general public are expected to join this excitement.

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