JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives admits that the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia has been good. This is in line with cases that continue to decline. Based on data from the COVID-19 Task Force on Thursday, October 21, 2021, there were only an additional 633 new cases in the country.

"With the situation of Indonesia's geographical area and diversity, I think the government's handling is good. Although there are still shortcomings such as delays in vaccines, they can still be overcome by continuing to supply vaccines to the regions", said Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Dewi Aryani, to reporters on Friday, October 22.

"All that remains is for the government to accelerate the supply of vaccines to all regions, so that herd immunity will soon be established", she continued.

Even so, the PDIP Faction Legislator believes that the government needs to disseminate information about the current situation of COVID-19 in the country. This is so that early prevention can be done if there is a potential spike in new cases.

"It is also necessary at the end of the year to carry out 3T (testing, tracing, and treatment) randomly to ensure that vaccinations also have an impact. The rules for wearing masks, washing hands, and others must become a new habit, become a new culture", explained Dewi.

For the regions, he continued, empowerment of the Dasa Wisma (supervision and empowerment to the community) in all villages needs to be done so that the socialization can reach all levels of society. Because according to Dewi, socialization through Dasa Wisma can be very effective.

"Because the head of the Dasa Wisma group has the task of monitoring 10 family heads, the village heads periodically give them the task of socializing and monitoring", she explained.

The PDIP politician emphasized that it was not enough for the government to rely solely on the COVID-19 Task Force to carry out the socialization. But it also encourages the community to take an active role in the field. "The decline in the number of cases is an indicator of the success of the government's handling", said Dewi.

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