BOGOR - Bogor City Police have finally arrested the perpetrators of the student murder that took place on Palupuh Street, North Bogor, Bogor City. The Head of Bogor City Police, Grand Commissioner Susatyo Purnomo Condro, said that this case was successfully solved in just 7 hours since it was reported.

Susatyo said that his party immediately followed up upon receiving the report. After checking a number of CCTVs, the police finally arrested 2 men who are also students along with the evidence of the sickle used to kill the victim.

"In this case, we carried out a disclosure by arresting 2 (two) perpetrators with the main suspect Rizki Agung (18) being a student from Tanahsareal, Bogor City. While 1 (one) other perpetrators with the initials ML (17) was a student," said Susatyo, Thursday 7 October.

Susatyo said the two perpetrators were arrested within 7 hours of the stabbing. The two perpetrators were detained at their respective homes in the Tanahsareal area, Bogor City.

"During the arrest, we secured the sickles used by the perpetrators in carrying out their actions. We developed them, we searched the area and we found 6 sharp weapons of the type of sickles and machetes. So we think these weapons have been prepared, we are still investigating the owners," said Susatyo.

"In the vicinity of the crime scene we also confiscated various CCTVs that we had found and also evidence from conversations related to agreements with or promises to commit acts of violence," added Susatyo.

In the disclosure of the case, as many as 10 witnesses were questioned. The police also asked for information from 4 people who came to the location with the perpetrators on the night of the incident. However, the 4 people were not named as suspects because based on information it was revealed that they did not know the purpose of the perpetrators coming to the location.

Head of Criminal Investigation at the Bogor City Police, Kompol Dhoni Erwanto, explained that a total of 6 people, including 2 suspects, came to the scene on the night of the incident. The 6 people, said Dhoni, had been arrested shortly after the stabbing.

"But from the results of the examination, only 2 we have determined as suspects. While the other 4 people, only as witnesses. Because the results of the examination revealed that these 4 people did not know the purpose of these two perpetrators. These 4 people also did not know each other with the perpetrators and they also do not bring a scarf," said Dhoni.

The autopsy revealed that the victim had 3 injuries caused by sharp weapons. Among them are stab wounds in the chest, stab wounds in the neck and legs.

"From the autopsy results, there were 3 wounds. 1 in the chest and that was the cause of death, 1 wound on the neck and 1 on the leg," said Dhoni.

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