SUMBA - The regent of Central Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, Palus K Limu said, around 30 percent of elementary school students, especially grades I-III in the area could not read, write and count well.

"Based on research conducted by several institutions, it shows that around 30 percent of elementary school students in grades I, II, and III in Central Sumba Regency cannot read, write and count. This condition is very concerning in this area", said Paulus K Limu quoted by Antara, October 1st.

He said this in the activity "Creating space to restore learning for SD/MI students from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic" which was held online by the Innovation Institute for Indonesian Children (INOVASI).

He said the Central Sumba Regency Government had launched a mandatory 3M program (wear masks, wash hands, keep your distance) that was implemented in all basic education institutions to overcome the problems that afflicted elementary school students from grades I to grade III.

"The Government of Central Sumba Regency has the support of the INOVASI institution which continues to provide assistance and training to teachers and students to overcome the difficulties faced by students who cannot read, write and count", he said.

Regent Paulus K Limu appreciated the efforts of the INOVASI institution which continued to carry out various innovations in building the recovery of education sector development, especially in basic education institutions so that the development of the education sector in the area began to develop rapidly.

"We hope that the 3M program which was started before the COVID-19 pandemic can produce results with more and more elementary students in grades I-III being able to read, write and count well so that the development of the education sector in Central Sumba continues to grow", he added.

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