JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) monitors radicalism and terrorism content on social media focused on four platforms, namely Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and TamTam. This is done to prevent acts of terrorism radicalism in Indonesia.

"In implementing this deterrence, we mainly focus on four social media platforms. First, Telegram, WA, FB, and TamTam", said Head of BNPT Komjen Boy Rafli Amar in a hearing meeting with Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Wednesday, September 15. Boy revealed, until August 2021, BNPT found 399 channel groups on social media classified as containing radicalism and terrorism content.

"And Telegram occupies the highest number by reaching 135 channel groups", said Boy.

Currently, said Boy, BNPT is taking steps to remove hundreds of groups and channels that are indicated by radicalism and terrorism. "And the takedown process or let's say legal steps we cooperate with the relevant legal apparatus", he explained.

The BNPT, he added, is also collaborating with the Directorate General of Aptika, Ministry of Communications and Informatics for content on social media and the National Police related to cybercrime.

"When it comes to the platform, we cooperate with the Directorate General of Aptika, Kemkominfo. As for cybercrime, of course, together with law enforcement elements in the Police", concluded Boy.

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