JAKARTA - Head of Commission D of the DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD) Ida Mahmudah said that the DKI Provincial Government in 2021 had only recently started construction of vertical infiltration or drainage wells.

In fact, the construction of infiltration wells has been budgeted in the DKI Regional Budget since the beginning of the year amounting to IDR 416 billion.

"This year, the budget is IDR 416 billion and we don't know how effective it will be because the work has just been carried out", Ida told reporters, Tuesday, September 14.

Ida said, the budget for the construction of infiltration wells this year is far more than the budget in 2020, which amounted to IDR 5-7 billion. Meanwhile, last year the target of constructing infiltration wells by 2020 was also not achieved.

Therefore, so that the construction of more infiltration wells this year can be achieved, Ida suggested that the DKI Provincial Government involve private companies to do the work.

"Do they want it? Of course, they want it. If the local government asks for it. There is nothing wrong if the company makes several sources of absorption. It's not expensive, especially if it is made by yourself or in collaboration with the community. I believe this is cheap and easy", said Ida.

Although it can't avoid flooding, according to Ida, at least infiltration wells can help reduce the water level that submerges Jakarta, especially in basin areas.

Since the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan took office, infiltration wells that have been made by the Water Resources Service have only reached 3.876 points. Meanwhile, the total infiltration wells made by all levels of service to the community have reached around 15 thousand.

Specifically, in 2020, 2.974 infiltration wells were built. In fact, the target of infiltration wells in 2020 is 5.000 points.

Anies once promised to build 1.8 million infiltration wells by 2022. However, due to lack of realization, the target was reduced.

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