SOUTH SUMATERA - Dozens of teenagers who were confirmed positive for using drugs at a nightclub, Palembang, South Sumatra were arrested by the police, Sunday, September 12 in the morning.

They were caught in an operation to eradicate drug trafficking and public order with the Joint Team of Military Police Detachment II/Swj at the RD Night Club, Perindustrian 2 Street, Sukarame District, Palembang.

The Commander of the Drug Investigation Unit of the Palembang Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police, Andi Supriadi, said that from the operation, which began at 01.00 WIB, 87 people were arrested, consisting of 61 men and 26 women, including teenagers.

They were immediately transported to the Palembang City Police Resort using three police trucks and further examinations were carried out, such as urine tests and data collection on identity.

"So far, from the urine test results, it has been stated that 23 people have tested positive for ecstasy drugs, this is still being examined by the Dokkes Team", he said as quoted by Antara.

Officers, he continued, helped secure a set of Pioneer brand DJ mixers with RD stickers along with dozens of cardboard boxes containing alcoholic beverages as evidence.

In addition to visitors, he said, officers secured waiters, song guides, cashiers, and DJs for intensive questioning because even though at this time officers have not found any evidence of drugs, the RD Night Club is still under strict police supervision.

Due to this incident, he said, there is a high possibility that the nightclub whose business license has been revoked by the Palembang City Government has become a hotbed for narcotics trafficking.

"It will be investigated regarding drug trafficking there (RD nightclub) together with the Satreskrim for legal construction actions", he asserted.

Meanwhile, he continued, visitors who are tested positive for using drugs will have their personal data collected and then submitted to the South Sumatra Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) for assessment or rehabilitation.

"We will hand them over to BNNP for assessment", he said.

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