JAKARTA - MSA, an employee of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) who is a victim of bullying and sexual harassment, today underwent a psychiatric examination at the Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

MSA's attorney, Muhammad Mualimin, confirmed that the victim would first undergo a psychological test at the Police Hospital.

"The victim MS came to the Police Hospital for a psychological test at 09.00 western Indonesia time," said a member of MS's attorney, Muhammad Mualimin, Monday, September 6.

Mualimin said that MS would be accompanied by a member of his attorney, Rony E. Hutahaean.

At the same time, today the Central Jakarta Metro Police has also scheduled an examination of the reported or suspected perpetrators of sexual harassment against MS.

The case of sexual harassment and bullying that happened to MS emerged after he wrote an open letter that went viral on social media last Wednesday.

In the open letter, MS admitted that he had been a victim of bullying since he worked at KPI in 2012. He even experienced sexual harassment by a number of his co-workers in 2015.

MSA has previously reported the bullying and sexual harassment that he experienced from his seniors to the police, but had no response.

After MSA's open letter went viral, the KPI Commissioner immediately formed an internal investigation team to investigate this case. KPI also immediately accompanied MS to make a report to the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

MSA reported five KPI employees who had harassed him on October 22, 2015, namely RM, FP, RT, EO, and CL. In his report, MSA stated that the sexual harassment was carried out in the workspace at the Central KPI Office.

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