JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) ensures that it does not want MSA, victims of sexual harassment and bullying of colleagues at KPI to become victims for the second time.

This was following information that it was difficult to find evidence from the case. This is because the case has been going on for a long time and is only now being reported.

Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara did not want to speculate about the difficulty of obtaining evidence from the case.

"We will first ask what kind of information it is, and we will coordinate what it is like," he said when contacted by reporters, Sunday, September 5.

For Komnas HAM, the most important thing right now is to find out MS's statement as an alleged victim of sexual violence and bullying by his co-workers.

The reason is that MS's statement is very important to make the case clear.

"So that the victim also does not become a victim for the second time," he said.

He added, in principle, Komnas HAM is waiting for the victim's readiness to give an explanation to the Komnas HAM commissioner in the near future.

As is known, MSA canceled his attendance at the Komnas HAM office on the investigation agenda on Friday, September 3, yesterday. MSA admitted that he was tired after undergoing a marathon examination from morning to midnight at the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

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