JAKARTA - As one of the supporting infrastructures for the food self-sufficiency program in Central Java Province, the progress of the Jlantah Dam's physical construction has reached 99 percent. It is known, this dam has the potential for irrigation water supply for Karanganyar Regency covering an area of 1,494 hectares.

Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo hopes that by the time the Jlantah Dam is functionalized, it can be connected to the surrounding irrigation area.

"One of our focuses is to ensure that the dams built can be optimized to irrigate people's fields. So, planting index can increase because our target is indeed three times the planting," said Dody in a written statement, quoted on Friday, January 3.

This dam is designed with a height of 70 meters, a peak length of 404 meters, a peak width of 12 meters and an elevation of a peak of 690 meters.

With an inundation area of 50.45 hectares, this dam can accommodate water up to 10.97 million cubic meters which can be used as an irrigation water supply for Karanganyar Regency covering an area of 1,494 hectares. Consisting of 806 hectares of existing irrigation areas (IP 172 percent increase to 272 percent) and 688 hectares of new irrigation (IP 272 percent).

Meanwhile, the Director of Dams and Lakes of the Directorate General of Water Resources at the Ministry of Public Works, Adenan Rasyid, said that the Ministry of Public Works through BBWS Bengawan Solo had affected the Jlantah Dam on December 20, 2024. It is hoped that by February 28, 2025, the dam water will have reached an elevation of 685 meters.

"When the water in the puddle has entered the intake (elevation 662), the water that comes out of the outlet can be directly distributed to the irrigation network to increase the planting index through the dam that is already downstream," he said.

In addition to supporting the food self-sufficiency program through irrigation water supply, the Jlantah Dam also functions to provide raw water of 150 liters per second for Jumapolo, Jumantono and Jatipuro sub-districts in Karanganyar Regency.

Then, to reduce flooding by 70.33 cubic meters per second or 51.26 percent of the flood discharge for the 50th anniversary and the potential for Micro Hydro Power Plants (PLTMH) by 0.625 MW and tourism potential.

The dam was built by contractors PT Waskita Karya (Persero) and PT Adhi Karya KSO with a contract value of IDR 1.02 trillion. This dam is targeted to be inaugurated in early 2025.

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