SOUTH TANGERANG – Thugs under the guise of mass organizations in South Tangerang were arrested by Pondok Aren sector police. The perpetrators, who are often called aggressive in their actions, extorted dozens of traders on Ceger Raya Street using sharp weapons.

The Head of Pondok Aren Police, Commissioner Riza Sativa, said that the disclosure of this case began with a report from a resident who submitted information that E (the perpetrator) was extorting money at a cell phone shop. The perpetrator is known to have blackmailed the shop three times.

"First he asked for money to help his colleague in an accident, then he was not given. Came again asking for money, he was not given anymore. Then the third time he came at 20:58 WIB, brought a machete, and threatened to burn the stall", Riza explained to reporters, Tuesday, August 31.

He said, after receiving the report, the officers rushed to the crime scene (TKP). However, when he was about to be arrested, the 48-year-old perpetrator even resisted by removing the sharp weapon he was carrying.

In addition to securing the suspect, continued Riza, the police also secured some pieces of evidence including uniform vests of community organizations, sharp weapons of the type of machete, and press cards.

"There is evidence, including the clothes of one of the mass organizations in the name of the suspect, a machete, and a press card", he said.

For his actions, the suspect will be subject to multiple articles, namely Article 368 of the Criminal Code and Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 12 of 1951 concerning Sharp Weapons. The threat is a maximum imprisonment of 7 years.

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