INDRAMAYU - The government of Indramayu Regency, West Java, has not allowed tourist attractions in its area to be opened, although there have been several relaxations for other sectors.
"Tourism activities are still temporarily closed," said Indramayu Regent Nina Agustina, quoted by Antara, Saturday, August 14.
Tourism activities that are still closed, whether natural, artificial, or entertainment, have not been allowed to open.
Tourism activities are still closed because Indramayu Regency is currently still in the application of level 3 community activity restrictions (PPKM), for that there are only a few easing for other activities.
"Indramayu is still PPKM level 3, for that there has been no relaxation for tourist attractions," he said.
Activities that have been allowed at PPKM level 3 include shopping places with a capacity of 25 percent, face-to-face schools with 50 percent, and several others.
Meanwhile, the manager of Balongan Indah Indramayu Beach, Akso Surya Darmawangsa, hopes that the Indramayu Regency Government can reopen tourist attractions as soon as possible, because it has been 1.5 months without any income at all.
"If malls can open, why not nature tourism, we just ask for justice and hope that after August 16, we can reopen," he said.
Akso said that during the implementation of PPKM, all tourist attractions were automatically closed, even though many people from this sector depended on their fate, such as managers, traders, and others.
For this reason, he really hopes that the tourism sector can reopen, although there must be restrictions on the existing capacity.
"If it is opened and limited to 25 percent like a mall, we are also ready, as long as it is opened," he said.
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