JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has implemented an odd-even scheme as a substitute for blocking 100 points during the extension of the Level 4 Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) period.

However, it will continue to evaluate. If the gage scheme at 8 points goes well, there may be additional additions in several areas.

"It is possible if we consider these 8 points successful and effective, then, maybe during PPKM level 4, then, we will add other areas for mobility control with an odd-even system", said the Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, told reporters, Tuesday, August 10.

However, Sambodo is optimistic that the implementation of the odd-even scheme as a substitute for the partition scheme is very effective. This is because only suitable vehicles can pass through Jakarta.

"One of the reasons why we do this is for effectiveness. By using this odd-even system, members can easily monitor that only those who pass are those that match the date on which they carry out mobility", said Sambodo.

"If the date is odd, it means the number plate must be odd, the even date means the number plate must be even", he continued.

Previously, it was reported that the Metro Jaya Police decided to stop the 100-point blocking scheme during the extension of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level 4 to August 16.

But to control people's mobility, three new schemes will be implemented. One of them is by applying the odd-even system.

This scheme will be implemented on Thursday, August 12. Then, this scheme will take effect from 06.00 WIB to 20.00 WIB.

This odd-even scheme will also be implemented on Sudirman Street, MH Thamrin Street, Merdeka Barat Street, Majapahit Street, Gajah Mada Street, Hayam Wuruk Street, Pintu Besar Selatan Street, and Gatot Subroto Street.

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