MEDAN - The crowd that occurred during the vaccination program at the North Sumatra Sports Center a few days ago became a polemic in the community.

The crowd was responded by the Head of the Central COVID-19 Task Force, Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito. The head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) said handling COVID-19 was a very complex problem.

So that its handling requires the involvement of all parties, especially the community. In the crowd, Ganip saw the enthusiasm of the people who were quite high.

"The crowds occurred because people were enthusiastic about wanting to be vaccinated immediately, and they were worried that the vaccine would run out," said Ganip in Medan, Friday, August 6.

High enthusiasm, he judged as one of the factors causing the crowd. So that the crowd that occurred during the vaccination by the North Sumatra Police yesterday was attacked by the community.

Therefore, he continued, the role of all parties is needed to provide understanding and socialization to the community.

"Including the media, (inform) that the vaccine stock is guaranteed by the government, it's just a matter of turning around," he said.

Separately, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi, promised to evaluate the implementation of the vaccination which caused a crowd in the multipurpose building of the provincial government.

Gubsu Edy said that the crowd that occurred during the vaccination was proof of the enthusiasm of the people who wanted to be vaccinated.

"Well, this is what we have to evaluate, and in the future we will regulate, why is that, because so far it has been so difficult for people to get vaccinated. Suddenly, people are so enthusiastic, asking to be vaccinated, this is what we will evaluate," he concluded.

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