JAKARTA - The United States (US) and Britain have expressed confidence in the attack on a tanker operated by Israel, killing a British and a Romanian citizen last Thursday, carried out by Iran. Together with Israel, the two countries will provide an appropriate response regarding this attack.

"After reviewing available information, we believe that Iran carried out this attack, which killed two innocent people, using a one-way explosive UAV," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement. He said there was no justification for the attack, citing Reuters Monday, August 2.

"We are working with our partners to consider next steps, consulting with governments inside and outside the region about the appropriate response, which will come," continued Foreign Minister Blinken.

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said a day earlier that Britain's assessment had concluded it was highly probable that Iran had used one or more drones to carry out the unlawful and callous attack.

"We believe this attack was intentional, targeted, and a clear violation of international law by Iran. The UK is working with international partners on a joint response."

Separately, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett accused Tehran of trying to shirk responsibility for the attack, calling his refusal cowardly.

"I state emphatically that Iran was the one who carried out the attack on the ship. After all, we have our own way of getting the message across to Iran," Bennett said, adding that intelligence backed up his claims.

To note, the Japanese-owned Mercer Street tanker, Liebria flag and managed by the Israeli company Zodiac Maritime, was attacked in the Arabian Sea last week. The US Navy, which is escorting the tanker with the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, said Saturday early indications clearly pointed to a drone strike.

"Tehran sows violence and destruction. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not only an Israeli problem, but also a world problem. Its behavior threatens freedom of navigation and global commerce," the Israeli official quoted France24 as saying Saturday, July 31.

Iran itself on Sunday also denied allegations of an attack on the tanker, as stated by Israel.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said at a press conference Sunday, the Zionist regime (Israel) has created insecurity, terror, and violence.

"Such accusations are meant by Israel to distract from the facts and are baseless," Khatibzadeh criticized.

Iran and Israel have exchanged accusations of carrying out attacks on each other's ships in recent months.

Tensions have risen in the Gulf region since the United States reimposed sanctions on Iran in 2018 after then-President Donald Trump withdrew Washington from Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with major powers.

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