PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra Provincial Government projects that the Athlete House of the Palembang Jakabaring Sport City Complex can treat COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms after all this time has only been used for isolation locations.

The Head of the South Sumatra Health Service, Lesty Nurany, said that the determination was contained in the latest procedure for accepting COVID-19 patients at the COVID-19 Healthy Home, namely the JSC Athlete House.

This change is in response to current conditions marked by an increase in the occupancy rate of the COVID-19 patient care room at the hospital, which cumulatively has been occupied by 85 percent.

Therefore, the JSC COVID-19 Health Center accepts patients who have been confirmed positive without symptoms or mild symptoms from hospitals or health centers after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) examinations, X-rays, and health laboratories.

"With the record that it must be based on the request of the patient, there is no element of coercion that requires the patient to be treated at the COVID-19 JSC healthy home", said Lesty, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 21

If the patient is willing, the hospital or public health center where the patient is being treated will contact the hospital staff through the call center 0823-72755097.

Then the patient will be referred through the integrated hospital referral information system with the address of the health facility for the South Sumatra Province COVID-19 Health Facility.

"The COVID-19 healthy home system officer will respond to incoming referrals and then inform the COVID-19 Health House doctor to get approval for patient admission", he said.

After being approved by the doctor at the COVID-19 Healthy Home, the patient will be sent from the hospital or health center to the COVID-19 Healthy Home with a referral letter and examination documents.

However, for patient admissions outside the criteria, such as suspected cases, close contacts, and travelers, hospital staff will coordinate with the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office.

"The point is that those who have gone through the results of the PCR test take precedence if other than that, it is still recommended to self-isolate", said Lesty.

The patient will be received by the COVID-19 health home health officer and then registered by the officer.

The JSC COVID-19 health home health officer will confirm the file and conduct re-health checks for patients who will be treated at the COVID-19 healthy home.

Secretary of the Health Service Trisnawarman said that there were two towers in Jakabaring Sport City (JSC) Palembang, South Sumatra which were prepared as COVID-19 Healthy Homes.

A total of 200 beds are available to treat COVID-19 patients who are confirmed positive without symptoms or mild symptoms, equipped with complete medical equipment and medicines.

"Services there will be provided free of charge", he said.

Currently, there are 213 patients undergoing treatment at the COVID-19 Healthy Home, they consist of 125 male patients and 88 female patients with an age range of 20-40 years. They were treated intensively by 50 officers from the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office.

Meanwhile, South Sumatra experienced a surge in COVID-19 cases in the last two weeks, reaching a peak of nearly 1,000 positive COVID-19 cases every day.

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