BANJARMASIN - Positive cases of COVID-19 in the city of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan have crossed the 10 thousand mark with the addition of new cases as of Thursday, July 15 as many as 156 people.

Data from the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Office, as quoted from Antara, wrote that the additional cases for all cities/regencies in South Kalimantan amounted to 493 cases.

The most additions were found in Banjarmasin at 156. With this addition, the total number of cases infected with COVID-19 was 10,043 people.

The recovery rate reached 9,207 and the death rate was 219 people.

A spokesman for the Banjarmasin City COVID-19 Task Force, Machli Riyadi, when confirmed, said that the number of COVID-19 cases was increasing every day.

"It's been three days since the addition of COVID-19 cases has exceeded 100 people, even today 156 people. Let's all increase the discipline of health protocols", he said.

Machli Riyadi stated that everything returned to each other to protect themselves from the transmission of this virus. Because the discipline of health protocols will also save their beloved family members.

"Don't let your guard down when you're outside your house until you're exposed, and you return home to spread the infection again with your loved ones", he said.

The Banjarmasin City Government continues to try to overcome the transmission of the Delta variant of COVID-19 so that it does not enter. One of them is by tightening the supervision of entrances at the Trisakti Port of Banjarmasin.

"So everyone coming from outside the island is required to bring a COVID-19 free letter, namely a PCR test letter", he said.

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