JAKARTA - Eight officers from the Transportation Agency (Dishub) were fired by DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan because they were caught gathering in a coffee shop at night.

Not only that, but Anies also threatened not to hesitate to remove his disobedient subordinates when the Emergency Student Activity Restrictions (PPKM) took place.

A video showing a number of members of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency drinking coffee is highlighted on social media. This recording was done by a resident and eventually became the spotlight of netizens.

In the video recording, the resident, whose identity is not known, admitted that he had just been dismissed by Dishub officers for gathering at a coffee shop at night.

However, after the disbandment, he just hung out at the shop and had fun sipping coffee. Several officers' vehicles were seen parked in front of the shop.

"They still gathering there, whereas we're disbanded. I'm definitely recording this. Everyone from Dishub gathering, while we're prohibited. There are cars and motorbikes there," said the video recorder.

After the video went viral, these eight officers were finally fired during an afternoon inspection at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that they were proven to have violated the regulation in a coffee shop in the Patal Senayan area, Jakarta.

This is known from the results of an internal examination conducted by the Transportation Agency of the eight members. Subsequently, the eight people were terminated.

"The results of the inspection report have fulfilled the element of imposing severe sanctions. Therefore, on July 9, 2021, the eight PJLP members will be terminated," Syafrin told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, July 9.

He explained that the dismissal was based on two violations. First, they did not attend a ceremony at the Metro Jaya Police which was held every night when the joint operation was carried out.

Second, they violated DKI Governor's Decree No. 875 of 2021 concerning Emergency PPKM related to eating and drinking at stalls, restaurants, street vendors (PKL), and other types.

"This is a violation committed by the PJLP," said Syafrin.

After the dismissal, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reminded his staff not to violate the Emergency PPKM rules. He even asked anyone who wasn't dedicated to leave because they didn't hesitate to stop those who were stubborn and didn't want to obey the rules.

"Those who are not dedicated, please get out of line. If you don't back down, we will stop. This is one of the actions taken to ensure that the ranks in DKI Jakarta are straight, upright, enforce all existing rules. This is a lesson for all of us," said Anies, Friday, July 9.

Anies said that the discipline of eight Dishub officers was because they were individuals who wore uniforms, moved, acted on behalf of the state. People who act on behalf of the state, continued Anies, should not violate the rules.

"This is a message to all. If you commit a violation, if you act inappropriately, while you carry state attributes, then the attributes are removed and the work bond is terminated," said Anies.

Anies also expressed his gratitude to other Dishub ranks who have been disciplined in enforcing the rules and being at the forefront in reducing population mobility during the emergency PPKM.

"We convey our appreciation to them. Those who work non-stop, work until morning, when the majority of the population is resting. They are highly dedicated people. To them, we express our gratitude and appreciation," he concluded.

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