JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order (Ditjen PKTN) received 3,682 consumer complaint services. In which, 97 percent are related to e-commerce.

The Director General of PKTN of the Ministry of Trade, Rusmin Amin, said that in total the Ministry of Trade received a total of 4,114 complaints from consumer services. This number has decreased from the previous year, namely 7,707 services.

Rusmin explained that the decline was due to increased consumer awareness about their rights and obligations so that they were more careful in transacting to avoid the negative impact of the use of goods and/or services.

"Consumers also dare to file direct complaints to business actors if their rights are violated. This is in accordance with the mandate of Article 19 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection," he said in an official statement, Thursday, January 9.

Rusmin said that in 2024, the Directorate General of PKTN recorded 4,114 consumer services. This number includes 3,682 consumer complaint services, 258 questions, and 92 information.

97.8 percent of complaints were successfully completed. The other 2.2 percent of complaints are in process," he said.

Furthermore, Rusmin said the percentage of consumer complaint services related to trade transactions through electronic systems (PMSE) or trading-el is still the highest, namely 3,575 reports or 97 percent of the number of consumer complaint services that enter during 2024.

"This amount includes the electronics product sector and motorized vehicles as well as the financial services sector," he explained.

Rusmin said that in the electronics product sector and motorized vehicles, consumer complaints were dominated regarding goods that were not in accordance with the promised, goods were damaged, and guaranteed claims to the service center.

"Meanwhile, in the financial services sector, he continued, consumer complaints are dominated regarding balance refill problems, payment delay systems (paylaters), and credit cards," he said.

Rusmin said PKTN is committed to providing various service facilities and increasing the settlement of consumer complaints.

"This commitment is a manifestation of the government's real action in protecting Indonesian consumers, creating empowered consumers and orderly business actors," he said.

Adapun pengaduan konsumen yang diterima Ditjen PKTN Kementerian Perdagangan berasal dari berbagai saluran layanan, yaitu melalui aplikasi pesan WhatsApp 0853-1111-1010, surat elektronik [email protected], situs web https://simpktn.kemendag.go.id/.

In addition, the public can also call the phone number (021) 3441839. Consumer complaints were also received in writing or came directly to the Directorate General of PKTN.

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