JAKARTA - Good news for the low-income 28 thousand residents of Cianjur, West Java. They received cash social assistance of IDR 200,000 for each resident.

Residents affected by Emergency PPKM can now smile. The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that this gift was carried out simultaneously in all villages in Cianjur. Especially for people who have low income and have never received other social assistance.

"Those who have received assistance have been registered in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) as many as 28,000 people, not registered as recipients of other assistance, both from the center, province and other regions", he said in Cianjur, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 6.

He explained that residents who had received social assistance such as Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), Family Hope Program (PKH), and Village Cash Direct Assistance (BLT), also did not receive such assistance.

Funds for the assistance of residents affected by the Emergency PPKM, he said, were sourced from "refocusing" on the handling of COVID-19 amounting to IDR 5 billion.

Until now, his party is still making budget cuts to help other low-income people.

"Adding the list of recipients will still be included in the DTKS, the funds to be received are channeled through the village account after being transferred from Bank BJB, we guarantee there will be no leakage and no deductions", he said.

Nagrak Village Head Hendi Saepul Maladi said 406 of his low-income residents affected by the Emergency PPKM received cash social assistance from the Cianjur Regency Government.

"Low-income residents who have been registered with the DTKS received cash assistance of IDR 200,000 from the Cianjur Regency Government which was handed over by the Regent of Cianjur Herman Suherman. Those who were proposed never received any other social assistance", he said.

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