Head of the Regional Border Management Agency (BP2D) of Riau Islands (Kepri) Doli Boniara said the case of expelling behindpadang fishermen by the Singapore Maritime Police was an evaluation material to prevent such cases from happening again.

According to Doli, there needs to be a consistent understanding and cooperation between Singapore and Indonesia to protect fishermen from border areas when fishing.

"According to the governor's direction that this incident should not happen again, so there must be a joint commitment step, hoping for good cooperation from the Singapore and Indonesia governments regarding the handling of traditional fishermen," said Doli, confirmed in Batam, Friday, January 3, which was confiscated by Antara.

BP2D Kepri has received an explanation from the Singaporean authorities regarding the incident of expelling fishermen Behindpadang which occurred on Tuesday, December 24.

There are six points containing an explanation from the Singaporean authorities regarding the chronology of the expulsion of Behindpadang fishermen who are said to have entered the territorial waters of Singapore to the Tuas View Extension.

In the billions received by BP2D Kepri from the Singapore Police, it was delivered, on December 24 at around 08.45 local time, the Singapore Coast Guard Police observed several Indonesian fishing vessels in and out of the territorial waters of Singapore.

Singapore Coast Guard Police deployed ships around the location to obstruct and stop unauthorized ships from entering Singapore's territorial waters.

Then until 13:20 local time, officers saw two of Indonesia's five fishing vessels had entered Singapore's territorial waters further to the northwest towards Tuas.

A Singapore patrol boat prevented the two fishing boats from entering deep into Singaporean waters.

Singapore police also said that coast guard officers invited fishermen on fishing vessels and suggested leaving because unauthorized parties were prohibited from being in the area.

Fishermen finally agreed to leave Singapore's territory at around 13.40 WIB. According to the country's rules, foreign ships must comply with Singaporean authorities' instructions when in Singapore's territorial waters.

At the sixth point, the Singapore Coast Guard Police will continue to carry out their duties professionally and safely.

According to Doli, the last point of explanation by the Sipangura Police is implied as a form of recognition of the unprofessional actions taken by the Singaporean authorities to traditional Indonesian fishermen.

"They admit at the sixth point that they will continue to make improvements to continue to be professional, they have implicitly done, admitting that they will be more professional," he said.

"Therefore, it is necessary to follow up so that similar incidents do not happen again, considering that border areas whose boundaries are not visible, so it needs mutual understanding, if there is a violation from fishermen, they can be dealt with professionally without taking dangerous actions. The point is how we are neighbors. This is a good neighbor, fishermen know territorial boundaries, when they escape, a warning is carried out professionally by ensuring the safety of fishermen looking for fish, "said Doli.

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