JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General, Fadil Imran, said Jakarta was not doing well from the spread of COVID-19. Because based on the data the number of people exposed is increasing.

"Jakarta is not doing well, the number of COVID-19 continues to rise", Fadil told reporters, Thursday, June 17.

From the data received, Fadil said that the bed occupancy rate (BOR) in the capital city continues to increase. Then, the number of patients in hospitals handling COVID-19 is also increasing.

For this reason, the people of Jakarta are asked to continue implementing health protocols. This is because prevention efforts cannot be maximized without community involvement.

"Let's take care of ourselves, take care of our families so that we obey the procedures so that we can quickly get out of this pandemic problem", he said

For information, based on data from the Ministry of Health as of June 16, DKI Jakarta has recorded an additional 2,376 positive cases. Thus, a total of 425,339 positive cases in the capital city.

COVID-19 cases in Indonesia exploded again with an increase of almost 10,000 in one day, on Wednesday, June 16. Active cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia reached 120,306 people.

This was revealed in the Ministry of Health's data published on Wednesday. The data revealed that there were 9,944 new cases as of today, bringing the total past 1.937 million.

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