JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission Rizki Sadig assessed that currently there are still many remote areas in Indonesia that do not have internet access. For this reason, the government is trying to catch up.

"Today's situation can be considered as a warning for all of us, it can also be used as a whip to be grateful that how far we can respond to this pandemic incident and then upgrade ourselves to positive situations," he said in an online discussion initiated by BAKTI. Kominfo with the theme "Utilization of ICT for Education and Business", quoted on Saturday 12 June.

Rizki said that initially digital communication tools were used 'stuttering'. Even in the field of education, students and teachers are forced to use technology.

"How can theoretical sciences enter, but also social sciences, because education is not only learning about theoretical science problems, but how to interact with people, have friends and then resolve conflicts between friends," he said.

He added that currently education is not limited to formal education or schools, there are many online spaces that can be accessed to increase self-capacity. Research can be done only through gadgets.

"You can do business without having a shop, without having to have marketing staff, without having to have production goods, just connecting producers with consumers and looking for a middle way to be able to open an online store," he said.

According to him, the use of the above technology makes digital communication tools not only arrogant, it is even possible to spread fake news or negative content, but opens up opportunities to improve abilities in any field.

"In today's developments, how many schools do not only e-learning but also how then schools no longer need to be classrooms, but then in the digital world already have digital versions of classes, so there are classrooms that can choose their eyes. Whatever the subjects, children can choose ones they like and have friends who are not fixated on the same friends, but friends who match their interests and talents," said Rizki.

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