JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has started to open a COVID-19 vaccination service for residents aged 18 years and over in general. The Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the DKI Health Office, Dwi Oktavia, explained how to register for this vaccination.

Dwi said this vaccination is intended for residents who have a DKI ID card, live or work in DKI. How residents can come to health facilities or vaccination centers that have been determined.

"Just bring your ID card, or bring your Jakarta domicile letter. Then, just come to the vaccination service. The term is a go show, you can come to a health center anywhere", said Dwi when contacted, Thursday, June 10.

This vaccination service, continued Dwi, is open from 08.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB. Outside these hours, residents cannot register for vaccinations because the process has been stopped to minimize wasted vaccine rations.

"Of course later if you come when you don't have service hours, don't be angry. It could be service hours, for example, 8 am to 3 pm, then come at 6 pm, you will definitely be asked to come back tomorrow", said Dwi.

This is because one opened vial of vaccine can be used to inject doses of up to ten people in close range.

"So, to prevent this, there are service hours set by each health facility", said Dwi.


Dwi continued, vaccination services for people aged 18 years and over are an opportunity that the community can use to increase the speed of vaccines.

This is because the government wants to immediately increase the coverage so that many people are vaccinated. So that the space for viruses that are potentially easy to transmit will be narrower and the immunity of citizens will be achieved immediately.

"Anyway, as soon as the tap (vaccination) is opened, don't delay anymore. Just hurry up", he said.

It is known, the Ministry of Health has begun to allow DKI Jakarta Province to vaccinate people aged 18 years and over in general.

This is stated in a letter from the Ministry of Health with the number SR.02.04/II/1496/2021 signed by the Head of the Health Center for Human Resources Development for Drug and Food Control, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu.

Vaccination for residents 18 years and overusing the AstraZeneca vaccine. However, at this time, the vaccination still prioritizes vulnerable groups that are included in stage 1, 2, and 3 vaccinations.

They are health workers, public service officers, the elderly, slum residents, residents in the COVID-19 red zone, and people with mental disorders who have not been vaccinated.

There is a reason why the Ministry of Health has allowed Jakarta to vaccinate people 18 years and over in general. Based on data on the development of COVID-19, the percentage of active cases in DKI during one week was 7.62 percent.

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