JAKARTA - Police confirm that they will investigate the issue of 279 million Indonesian data that was leaked and traded. The case is handled by the Directorate of CyberCrime.
"Since the rolling issue I have ordered Dirtipidsiber to investigate this matter", Head of Criminal Investigation Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, told VOI, Friday, May 21.
The initial stage is done by completing the administrative matters. When completed, the investigation process will be conducted immediately.
"It is being prepared administrative investigation for the legality of the implementation of members in the field", he said.
While waiting for the initial stage to be completed, Komjen Agus said several relevant agencies had already handled the case. Later the Police will be involved and help with the disclosure of the case.
"Currently from Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Population and BPJS are investigating the leak", Head of Criminal Investigation said.
Previously, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics immediately intervened and investigated the case of leakage of Indonesian Identity Card (KTP) data on internet forums. Moreover, 279 million of the data is suspected to come from BPJS Kesehatan and traded.
"The Ministry of Communication and Information is deepening the alleged data leak", Said Minister of Information Spokesman Dedy Permadi in a brief message on Thursday, May 20.
The data leak began to be known after the account @ndagels tweeted at least 279 million data belonging to Indonesian citizens (WNI) sold by hackers. Data leak includes not only Residence Number (NIK) but also the status of life or death up to salary.
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