JAKARTA - The commemoration of Nuzulul Quran at the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh this year has been running simply without any big festivities like in previous years, this is because it is still in a COVID-19 pandemic condition.

"Considering it's still in COVID-19 condition, the Nuzulul Quran is held simply, which is delivering a lecture after the evening prayer or before tarawih," said the Head of the Aceh Sharia Islamic Service, Dr. Alidar in Banda Aceh, Wednesday.

Isha prayer implementation and when listening to the lecture of Dr. Syahrizal Abbas, the congregation was seen implementing health protocols (prokes) by wearing masks and keeping their distance from each other.

In this Nuzulul Quran remarks, Alidar conveyed that the number of Acehnese people who were infected with COVID-19 was increasing. Therefore, he invites residents to always comply with the health program.

"COVID-19 will continue to increase if we are not vigilant and disciplined in implementing health protocols. May Allah keeps us away from all harm," he said.

Alidar said the warning of the Nuzulul Quran must really become the momentum of Muslims to re-read, study and understand the contents of the Al Quran.

"Because the Al-Quran does not only contain history, morals, and legal rules, but scientific studies, natural signs, and modern science," said Alidar.

In his lecture, Prof. Dr. Syahrizal Abbas explained, Nuzulul Quran, or the revelation of the Quran is one of the events.

"This incident occurred on the night of 17 Ramadan, 13 years before the Hijrah, or coincided with July 610 AD," said Prof. Syahrizal.

Prof. Syahrizal explained, Al Quran was revealed by Allah SWT to Prophet Muhammad SAW through the angel Jibril in the Hiraq Cave in Saudi Arabia on the night of qadar which is a night of glory.

The Koran becomes a source of knowledge for humans. The warning of the Nuzulul Quran tonight actually makes people aware that the Al Quran has been historic in human life.

"The Koran is a guide for humans, as a differentiator between what is Haq (right) and what is wrong," he said.

Al Quran also hints to read and study it during Ramadan. "So, it is hoped that we can obtain guidance, understand and apply the explanation," said Prof. Syahrizal.

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