JABAR - The Illegal Charges Sweeping Task Force (Saber), West Java arrested a parking attendant or 'reluctant' at Bandung Zoo who set tariffs of up to IDR 150 thousand for a bus in the tourist area.

Secretary of the West Java Saber Extortion Task Force Expert Group, Irianto, said that after receiving information regarding the actions of a parking attendant, his party immediately followed up and took firm action.

"There is evidence, the person concerned is examined, and admitted. To support it, it is necessary to ask for information from the victim, maybe there are many victims. So further investigation is needed," said Irianto in Bandung, Tuesday, December 31, as reported by Antara.

Irianto said that his party continues to investigate the alleged involvement of other individuals in the case. Because from the viral video, the perpetrator said that he gave deposits to insiders, as well as victims who mentioned the same thing.

"Yes, it is clear that (the alleged insider) was investigated, in accordance with the direction of the Head of the Saber Extortion Task Force that we are not selective. We are firm, measurable, in accordance with existing laws and regulations," he said.

He ensured that the eradication of extortion would continue, including seeking the involvement of unscrupulous officers. At the moment of this New Year's holiday, he said, the Saber Extortion Task Force focused on overseeing tourist attractions in Bandung and West Java.

"We will continue to pass it, it is in accordance with the direction of the chairman. How can tourists be comfortable either in Bandung or in general in West Java," said Irianto.

According to him, extortion can cause the number of tourist visits to West Java to drop dramatically. Therefore, Saber Pungli has taken action to provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators.

"For people who are victims of extortion, don't be afraid to report it to the Saber Extortion Task Force and the nearest police force," said Irianto.

Meanwhile, Bandung Zoo Marketing and Communication Coordinator, Sulhan Syafii admitted, there have been two cases of extortion that have asked for parking fees of up to IDR 150,000 in the past week.

According to him, this case is very detrimental to the management of tourist attractions in West Java. He hopes that the government and the police can stop extortion that is prone to occur during the holiday period.

"The actions of the perpetrators can damage the image of West Java as a tourism area. Tourists feel uncomfortable and are greatly harmed by their actions," said Sulhan.

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