The Bandung City Police (Polrestabes) ensures that all flyovers or flyovers in Bandung City will remain open for vehicles on New Year's Eve.
"We have coordinated with the Bandung City Government that the agreement for a New Year's Eve security meeting stated that no flyovers were closed," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol. Budi Sartono in Bandung, Tuesday, December 31, was confiscated by Antara.
Budi emphasized that every vehicle, both car and motorbike, is only allowed to pass without stopping. This guard is carried out to prevent crowds that can endanger other motorists.
"However, vehicles are prohibited from stopping at the flyover, and we will place members at every point to ensure traffic continues smoothly," he said.
According to him, the Bandung Polrestabes will hold a troop rally at 16.00 WIB as the beginning of securing New Year's Eve.
After that, personnel will be deployed to various crowded points in Bandung, such as Summarecon, Cidadap border, Asia-Africa, Gasibu, Dago, and Pasupati areas.
"Later on, members will spread to regulate traffic so that traffic jams don't occur," he said.
He said his party had also prepared a number of plans to overcome congestion in the city of Bandung during the Nataru holiday. In fact, a number of personnel will be deployed in the border area of Bandung City to carry out insulation.
"We will also later carry out insulations on the borders. So for possible motorized groups who want to enter the city of Bandung, we will return them," said Budi.
Regarding Car Free Night (CFN) activities, the Bandung Polrestabes together with the local government have decided to eliminate CFN on New Year's Eve.
"Including along Jalan Braga, there is no car free night, no Braga Beken is abolished first," he said.
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