Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, said that former President Joko Widodo was the person most responsible for the delay in the development of the State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan, not President Prabowo Subianto.

Jamiluddin assessed the logical blocking of the State Capital (IKN) budget. Because IKN is not President Prabowo Subianto's priority program.

"Logis because Prabowo has to prepare a budget to finance his flagship program. Therefore, it is not a logical flagship program if the budget is cut. So, it is appropriate for the IKN budget to be blocked," said Jamiluddin, Saturday, February 8.

Jamiluddin assessed that the people would not sue if the IKN development was not continued. The people, according to him, only demanded that Prabowo fulfill his campaign promise.

"The development of IKN does not include Prabowo's promise. Therefore, Prabowo will not feel guilty if he does not continue the IKN development," said Jamiluddin.

"IKN is stalled or not, it is not Prabowo's responsibility. The people will actually be angry with Prabowo if he builds IKN but the promise is not realized. The promise is a debt, the people will continue to collect," he continued.

For this reason, Jamiluddin assessed that Prabowo may ignore the ambitions of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo regarding IKN. Because Prabowo does not have a moral burden or feels guilty if he ignores IKN.

"Prabowo must choose, build IKN or fulfill his promises to the people. I am sure that Prabowo will choose to fulfill his promises," he said.

Jokowi, Jamiluddin added, could just be the past. Including IKN, which will not be clear about the jungle.

"Let Jokowi be responsible for IKN both in the world and in the hereafter. IKN is not Prabowo's business, but Jokowi's business," he concluded.

It is known, the Minister of Public Works, Dody Hanggodo, said that the realization of the budget for the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in 2025 is still blocked so that no new development has been carried out. However, the progress of the construction of the IKN mega project has touched 87 percent.

Dody said that currently the Ministry of Public Works does not have a budget for the implementation of IKN development.

"There seems to be no realization of the IKN budget. Our budget is blocked. The budget is not there, the progress is to buy lunch, Mr. Minister. That's the progress," said Dody after a working meeting with Commission V of the DPR at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, February 6.

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