The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Central Kalimantan Police has completed a case file for alleged corruption at the Central Kalimantan Education Office (Disdik) which cost the state Rp5.3 billion, involving 21 suspects.

"The alleged corruption crime at the Central Kalimantan Disdik office occurred in 2014 with 21 police reports and 21 suspects," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Erlan Munaji in Palangka Raya, Wednesday, January 8, as reported by Antara.

Erlan said that the corruption occurred in the work of carrying out meeting activities and socializing programs at the Central Kalimantan Education Office.

Then, the activity is budgeted in the 2014 DPA which uses facilities outside the office or uses hotels in Palangka Raya City.

"By the perpetrators, every activity is made in two contracts, namely accommodation contracts and consumption contracts, and not using full-board packages offered by the hotel," he said.

He continued, over time, each PPTK in each activity took back part of the funds that had been paid to the hotel according to SP2D.

Taking funds from the hotel, the suspects did not deposit them into the state treasury and could not be accounted for, resulting in state financial losses in accordance with calculations by the BPK RI.

"Based on this report, we have then carried out the process of investigating and arresting the suspects, so far there are a number of suspects who have been carried out in phase II (P21)," he said.

Erlan revealed that of the 21 suspects, seven suspects with the initials B as KPA in the field of Dikmen-LB, H, S, S, RK, M and Y as PPTK in the field of Dikmen-LB were carried out stage II to the public prosecutor on December 22, 2021.

Then the other five suspects, with the initials AQ as KPA for PSNP, LC and RR as PPTK for PSNP, AK as Secretary and AI as committee chairman, were carried out stage II to the prosecutor on February 22, 2024.

"Furthermore, one suspect with the initials S, as PPTK, died of heart disease and previously had a stroke, so the case was terminated or SP3 at the Indonesian National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency, on December 12, 2023," he said.

Erlan continued, eight other suspects, namely EL as KPA for Dikdas, R, YB, E, K, S as PPTK for Dikdas, SAY as the recipient of the Flow and DL as the Head of the Education Office, the investigation file has been declared P21 and will soon be carried out phase II to the Public Prosecutor.

From the suspects, his party managed to secure evidence in the form of five photocopies of budget implementation, two copies of the SPK book, documents for disbursement of funds.

Sementara dari pihak hotel, pihaknya berhasil mengamankan satu lembar bonggol asli cek senilai Rp75,1 juta, satu lembar asli official proceedipt kuitansi F.O Nomor 009839 bergal 20 Mei 2024.

"Then we also secured cash from the suspects for a total of Rp155,999,550 and two cars with the Honda HRV and Toyota Avanza brands," he said.

All of these suspects face life imprisonment or a minimum of four years and a maximum of 20 years and a fine of at least Rp. 200 million and a maximum of Rp. 1 billion.

"We appreciate the investigators of the Central Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimsus, especially the Tipikor Subbdit who have uncovered and processed this case professionally, transparently and fairly as a form of the National Police in eradicating corruption and supporting the Astacita program of the President of the Republic of Indonesia," said Erlan.

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