JAKARTA - The results of the latest research in the United States revealed the possibility of lead history in gasoline being the cause of tens of millions of mental health disorders.

"We have shifted population curves to mental health problems, so that everyone has a greater risk in the symptoms of mental illness, and some people who are already at risk will develop disorders that can be diagnosed more quickly, more often or more of them," said one author Dr. Aaron total, assistant professor of clinical neuropsychology at Virginia University, reported by CNN January 2.

The study, published in "The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry" last month, estimated that around 151 million diagnosiss of mental disorders in the US were due to lead.

"This explanation is likely not to happen if lead is not in gasoline," added fire.

Cars have been using lead-bearing gasoline since the 1920s. Meanwhile, the United States only started to stop using the substance in the 1980s, after substantial evidence of its dangers for decades, according to the US Energy Information Agency. So far, loading gasoline continues to be used as fuel for several aircraft, racing cars, and agricultural and marine equipment.

"The exposed people are not in the history book",oretics said.

"Millions of Americans live with an unknown and invisible history of lead exposure that most likely affects the way they think, feel and behave worse," he explained.

Badminton said scientists had collected research over the past century showing dangerous lead for almost every organ system.

In a previous study, he and his team used data on lead levels in children's blood, use of lead gas and population statistics to estimate lead exposure to children and found half of the US population exposed to lead levels that were harmful early in life.

The number of people affected may be unexpected for many people, said Dr. Bruce Lanphear, public health scientist at Simon Fraser University, Canada with expertise in lead poisoning. He was not involved in the study.

"Given their warnings and limitations, I think they have done a thorough work in trying to estimate exposure," he said.

One of these limitations is, the researchers did not measure all possible sources of exposure, meaning the outcome may actually underestimate the issue, Lanphear added.

"We haven't been able to fully understand how this exposure affects health and disease throughout the century."

"Timbal is a strong neurotoxine that can disrupt brain development in many ways that can affect most types of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression and ADHD," he said.

But people may also be affected in ways that cannot be diagnosed.

"It also changes personality. We believe that (lead exposure) makes people a little less thorough, less organized, less detailed-oriented, less able to achieve their goals in an organized and more neurotic way," added cap.

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