• JAKARTA - Investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Regional Police examined two suspects in the alleged bullying and extortion case at the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) of the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Senior Commissioner of Police Artanto, confirmed the examination of the Chief of Medical Staff of the Anesthesiology Study Program of FK Undip with the initials SM and senior student of the PPDS FK Undip program with the initials ZYA.

"Today, the investigation of the suspects SM and ZYA," he said in Semarang, Thursday, January 2, was confiscated by Antara.

For one other suspect, namely the Head of PPDS Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Program FK Undip Semarang with the initials TE did not fulfill today's summons.

According to Artanto, the suspect TE reasoned that he was sick so that the examination would be rescheduled.

Separately, the attorneys for the suspects, Kairul Anwar, confirmed that TE did not fulfill the summons for investigation by police investigators.

"The person concerned is sick, there is a doctor's certificate," he said.

Previously, Aulia Risma Lestaei, a PPDS student at the Faculty of Medicine, Undip Semarang, died suspected of committing suicide in her boarding house on Jalan Lempongsari, Semarang City, Central Java.

The death of the victim with the initials AR, which was found on August 12, 2024, is suspected to be related to bullying where he studied.

The police have named three suspects in the investigation of the case, each Head of PPDS Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy of FK Undip Semarang with the initials TE, Head of Medical Staff for the Study of the Anesthesiology Study Program FK Undip with the initials SM, and senior students of the PPDS FK Undip program with the initials ZYA.

The suspects were charged with Article 368 of the Criminal Code concerning extortion with violence or Article 378 of the Criminal Code concerning fraud, or Article 335 of the Criminal Code concerning threats.

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