The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has confirmed that it has imposed sanctions on 19 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) from 1,158 ASN who were reported to have violated neutrality during the 2024 Pilkada stage.
This statement was made in response to criticism from the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Dede Yusuf Macan Effendi, who questioned the enforcement of discipline against non-neutral ASN. The Daily Executive Director General of Politics and General Government (Plh Director General of Polpum) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Syarmadani, revealed that there were 1,158 ASN reported for alleged violations of neutrality during the 2024 Pilkada process.
"Of these, 667 complaints are still waiting for the verification process from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN)," said Syarmadani during a hearing with Commission II of the DPR at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4.
He also explained that 436 complaints were waiting for a follow-up from the Personnel Guidance Officer (PPK), while the other four were related to retired ASN, stopping at their own request (APS), or being dismissed.
Syarmadani explained the details of the handling of other complaints, namely 24 complaints were declared unproven, 27 complaints were canceled, and 60 complaints were rejected.
"In the BKN complaint application, reports come from various regions, ranging from Berau Regency with two reports to North Kalimantan one report. Everything has been followed up according to the procedure," he explained.
Previously, in the same meeting, Dede Yusuf highlighted the weakness of law enforcement against ASN who violated neutrality. He even mentioned that there was a case where a regional secretary (sekda) gave instructions to support one of the candidate pairs through a voice message, but there were no sanctions imposed yet.
"There are so many reports to us about the involvement of ASN in practical politics, but I have not seen any firm action from the Ministry of Home Affairs. This is a serious concern," said Dede Yusuf.
The Ministry of Home Affairs emphasized that it will continue to cooperate with BKN and related agencies to ensure that violations of ASN neutrality are dealt with in accordance with applicable regulations. This is an effort to maintain the integrity of the 2024 Pilkada.
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