JAKARTA - Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta has stopped the Sebelas Maret Sports Week (Porsema) organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) in the aftermath of acts of violence between players.

UNS Secretary and Spokesperson Agus Riwanto said the action was taken as a form of university moral commitment and responsibility.

"So the UNS Chancellor has issued Instruction Number 820/UN27/KM.00/2024 dated October 24, 2024, addressed to the UNS Porsema committee to stop all Porsema activities," he said in Solo, Central Java, Friday, October 25, which was confiscated by Antara.

Furthermore, his party will conduct a thorough evaluation and investigation of the incident.

"The UNS Student Code of Ethics Council (MKEM) will enforce the student code of ethics in the incident and will impose sanctions on the perpetrators, and the UNS Student Director will impose sanctions on the UNS Porsema committee in accordance with applicable regulations at UNS," he said.

Meanwhile, his party has conducted mediation by bringing together the perpetrators, victims, and their respective parents. At the meeting, it was agreed that the perpetrators bear all the costs of treating the victim in the hospital, forgive each other, will not bring to the realm of law, and will not repeat similar incidents.

Meanwhile, related to the chronology of the incident, in the match which took place in Solo, Tuesday, October 22, there was a clash between players. One of the players from the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) named Rofiq Al Fajari Rusmawanto Putro or the victim fell and the referee blew the clue, there was a violation.

Not long after, the goalkeeper from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) student, Jonathan Agung Putra, or the perpetrator, ran towards the player who fell and kicked the player in the neck.

As a result, the referee blew the clue and gave the perpetrator a red card.

After the incident, the victim was unable to continue the match due to injury so that he was removed from the futsal match field.

Furthermore, the committee from BEM UNS conducted first aid and took the victim to the ER Moewardi Hospital Surakarta for medical treatment.

He said that until now the victim was still being treated conservatively in the inpatient ward at Dr Moewardi Hospital, Solo.

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