DENPASAR - A man named Feri Simbolon (42) was thrown into the Denpasar Civil Service Police's detention cell for bullying and eating without paying at a local food stall on Gunung Sangyang Street, Padangsambian, Denpasar, Bali.

"He was caught red-handed by Pecalang (Custom Police, ed). The culprit asked for help from us for security," said Head of Denpasar City Police Headquarters, Dewa Sayoga when contacted, Monday, April 5.

This man was arrested on Saturday, April 3, when the local Pecalang received a report from the shop owner who was being hacked by the perpetrator.

Officers came to the location to secure the man. The residents crowded around when this man was arrested.

"The complaint is that this person often takes food and does not pay. If the person (the shop owner) can be bluffed, he will ask for money. Not much (for money), arbitrarily. Yes, cigarette money," he added.

According to Sayoga, there were two victims who reported the male thugs. However, Civil Service Police Unit is still digging the location of the Simbolon Ferry bullying.

"Only two have reported. Maybe in other places, there were those but no one reported them. He was only threatening, yes, using a threatening tone," he explained.

From the perpetrator's confession, he did bullying because he did not have a job.

"Yes, the reason is like that. The reason is that the pandemic is a scapegoat, but it does not have to be bullying. The job is not clear and the address is unclear," he said.

"We are still investigating it because the realm is still criminal. We will submit it to the police only to collect evidence of who the victims are and some people. Just got testimony from Pecalang and shop owners," said Sayoga.

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