The Ombudsman Representative of West Nusa Tenggara conducted a surprise inspection of service activities at the Mataram District Court.

The inspection activity was led by the Head of the NTB Representative Ombudsman Dwi Sudarsono accompanied by a number of members this afternoon.

"So, the NTB Ombudsman has been around, first, to the administrative service area, then to the courtroom. What we found today was that there was no trial because there was an action of solidarity between judges in Jakarta," Dwi said as quoted by Antara, Monday, October 7.

For the issue of administrative services in the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP), Dwi ensures that it is still running as usual. "If the PTSP is still running, only the trial will be postponed," he said.

From the results of communication with Mataram District Court Spokesperson Kelik Trimargo, he received information that the postponement of the trial which took place during this solidarity action, from 7 to 11 October 2024, had been submitted to the defendants and public prosecutors during the trial.

"The spokesman has said that the postponement of the trial has been announced directly before the trial from the previous two weeks," said Dwi.

Regarding the trial that was postponed, he explained, not entirely. The court said there were several trials that continued during the solidarity period.

"The nature of urgent cases, for example, regarding the period of detention of the defendant who is about to expire, is still being tried," he said.

In addition, Dwi received information that no judge at the Mataram District Court took part in the action in Jakarta.

"As for the task in Mataram, no one goes to Jakarta, the judges still come to the office, but they don't go to trial. According to them, this is part of a solidarity action in Jakarta," he said.

The NTB Representative Ombudsman stated that the judge at the Mataram District Court had carried out solidarity according to the procedure. "In essence, the service in the court must continue, even though there is an action of solidarity," he said.

Then, Dwi reminded that the judges' solidarity action must run on a time limit. "Because this court is part of public service, it must not drag on, because if it drags on, it will certainly harm those who are litigated," he said.

Furthermore, the NTB Representative Ombudsman requested that the Mataram District Court publicize the postponement of this trial through social media.

"So, this action should be published to all parties (society), it is not enough only to the parties before the trial because this (action) is massive, throughout Indonesia, the publication can be through court media," he said.

If there are people who object to the judge's actions, Dwi invites them to make a complaint report to the NTB Representative Ombudsman.

"If there are people who object to this action, please convey it to us," said Dwi.

Furthermore, Dwi reminded the judges to submit procedural demands without disturbing the public service process.

"Please convey the rights or normative demands to the parties, the important thing is that they are carried out properly, procedurally, not disturbing public services," said Dwi.

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