DENPASAR - Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bali Province Dewa Made Indra said that Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from Bali will depart or work again in April after the second phase of the vaccination

The regional secretary had a chance to chat directly with a number of PMIs. It was said that they could leave after getting the second COVID-19 vaccination.

In addition, according to national regulations, vaccination from the first to the second stage is carried out after 28 days. So specifically for PMI who will depart at the end of April or early May, they are allowed to vaccinate after the 14th day

"The government will facilitate and make efforts for PMI who will depart at the end of April to get priority for the continuation of the second phase of vaccination", said Indra, while reviewing vaccinations for PMI from Bali, at Taman Jepun, East Denpasar, Wednesday, March 31.

"Do not let this wait 28 days after the first vaccination, these PMIs canceled their departure because they had to wait for the schedule (successful two-stage vaccine but missed the flight so it was canceled). So you should complete the two-stage vaccination and leave as a migrant worker with complete vaccination safety in your body", he added.

Since conducting the vaccination review on the first and second day, there are some notes that need to be improved. Among other things, the summons of potential vaccine recipients must be completed and clarified by dividing the time interval so that buildup does not occur.

"For those who depart at the end of April, it has been coordinated with the Bali Province Manpower and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office and the Bali branch of the Indonesian Seafarers' Union (KPI) to be given priority to continue the second phase of the vaccine 14 days after the first vaccine due to missed flight schedules, data collection on Indonesian migrant workers must be done quickly and accurately", he said.

Indra asked the Bali Manpower Office and the Bali branch of the KPI to ensure that all PMIs know about vaccinations in Denpasar through the registration link which is also available.

"So that all parties have to dig up information, make checks and spread information by word of mouth so that they (PMI) who will depart can be ascertained to have done and received a complete vaccination service", said Indra.

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