JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim revealed that home learning programs are still held to facilitate Kindergarten (PAUD) and Elementary School (SD) students to study at home.

The program will be broadcasted on the Education TV of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) starting April 1, 2021.

Nadiem said that this shows a commitment that in this difficult time the ministry is doing various ways to ensure there is learning from home.

"One of them is through television, that's why the Learning From Home program is here", said Nadiem in a written statement, Wednesday, March 31.

Previously, this program was broadcasted on TVRI, but now it is being diverted. Twelve educational TV partners stated their commitment to support the success of the Learning from Home program.

Based on the results of periodic evaluations of the viewers of the Learning from Home program, the Learning from Home program now switches to Education TV starting April 1, 2021.

The Head of Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Muhamad Hasan Chabibie said, the Learning from Home Program that has been broadcasted on TVRI since 12 April 2020 has been successfully implemented.

According to Hasan, this program is a momentum for Educational TV and partners to join hands in providing opportunities for the nation's children, especially in early childhood education to elementary school levels, so they can learn through useful alternative learning sources.

"Now is the time for us to join hands together to provide a good future for students in Indonesia", said Hasan Chabibie.

For information, Educational TV has started the transition stage of broadcasting the Learning from Home program on Educational TV since March 16, 2021. 12 Educational TV partners who claim to be ready to commit to the Learning from Home program as a contribution to building good education for Indonesian children.

These partners consist of local TV, network, video-on-demand (VoD), or over-the-top (OTT). Pusdatin has also developed a variety of educational TV content with various presentation formats.

Educational TV partners have expressed their commitment and are ready to support and disseminate the Learning from Home program through broadcasts in their own media. They consist of various platforms such as Over The Top (OTT), cable, and networks to local TV.

Educational TV partners include: Vidio, Life Media, DAAI TV, TVKU Semarang, Batik TV Pekalongan, RUAI TV Pontianak, Ratih TV Kebumen and Efarina TV in North Sumatra, UseeTV, XL Home, and Telkom Maxstream.

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