JAKARTA - Commission X of the House of Representatives highlighted the rise of cases of bullying or bullying in schools that led to legal channels. The education commission is worried that schools will become a terrible place for students.
This was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the DPR, Dede Yusuf, in response to the bullying case at the Binus Simprug High School, South Jakarta, which was allegedly carried out by 8 students against a friend.
Dede expressed his concern that the authorities often enter schools because of the ineffectiveness of the Antibullying Task Force.
"I am concerned that this bullying case occurred in schools with superior criteria and facilities that may have been sufficient. The role of schools is very important, I am worried about the phenomenon of law enforcement officers who often enter schools," said Dede Yusuf in his statement, Tuesday, September 17.
Dede also said that bullying cases that end up on legal channels can have many negative impacts. One of them, school is a terrible place for students.
"The impact of schools being a terrible place, because a little bit of law enforcement. Of course, the teaching and learning process is uncomfortable and conducive," said the former West Java Deputy Governor.
"Because if you use the legal umbrella for high school students, the category is no longer children, you can get a criminal offense," continued Dede.
In fact, continued Dede, the Ministry of Education, Culture (Kemendikbud) and Research and Technology already have regulations regarding the problem of bullying in schools, namely Permendikbud No. 46 of 2023 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Education Unit (Permendikbudristek PPKSP). This Permendikbud also requires the creation of a Task Force (Satgas) to deal with bullying problems in schools.
When there is bullying in schools, the antibullying violence task force must be held accountable. So is there anyone in the private sector? Because if there are all of them in the country," he said.
Dede explained, actually in the Antibullying Task Force, the apparatus that took care of it already exists. But unfortunately, according to Dede, the incoming officers are usually only extension and supervisors, so they are considered less than optimal because there is no part of law enforcement.
"So if for example reporting to the police and using a lawyer, this is related, so someone must be imprisoned. So it's a long time, even though if the task force works well and the school doesn't let things like this happen," explained Dede.
"Well, we have to ask how in Binus there is a task force, whether there is a task force because this task force consists of parents, teachers, school principals and even security so that this problem does not necessarily have to be raised to law enforcement. This task force can solve it," added the West Java electoral district legislator.
Dede also highlighted the question of victims and schools using well-known lawyers in this case. According to him, the handling of bullying at school became ambiguous because they participated in including the authorities for the resolution.
"Finally, the ending is no longer about education, but it turns out that the lawsuit process is suing. When there is a lawsuit process, it means that the education process is already chaotic, it doesn't happen because of the entry of the legal realm," said Dede.
So far, continued Dede, Commission X of the DPR has long focused on supervising the field of education. However, he said, legal problems involved in bullying cases have made cases even more complex.
"So far, we have come to Commission X and then we will call the school to be resolved by way of education. If it enters the realm of law, it comes to Commission III," he concluded.
The bullying incident at Binus School Simprug occurred to a student with the initials RE (16). Where the victim admitted to receiving bullying and physical violence from the start of school in November 2023, resulting in her being admitted to the hospital.
In an audience with Commission III of the DPR today, the victim stated that he also experienced allegations of sexual violence. In his confession, RE, a student of Binus Simprug High School also admitted to being intimidated by the perpetrators of bullying. Including the threat from the alleged perpetrator who claims to be the son of the general chairman of a political party (political party).
This bullying action at Binus Simprug High School adds to the length of bullying cases that are currently happening. The case of bullying at Binus School itself has also happened before, namely last March, at Binus School Serpong which involved the son of artist Vincent Rompies.
The case was carried out by a number of 12th grade students with the name Gang Tai to 10th grade students. In this case, the police named 4 suspects, namely E (18), R (18), J (18), and G (19).
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