JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror Police also found a pot bomb from the ambush of 4 terrorist suspects in Jakarta and its surroundings. In addition to pot bombs, explosive materials were found which the police said were capable of making more than 100 bombs.

"There was also a pot bomb found", said Head of Public Relations of Regional Police (Polda Metro Jaya) Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, March 30.

The four terrorist suspects arrested have the initials HH, ZA, AJ, and BS. The police said HH was a motivator, facilitator, and financier related to terrorism action plans. HH was arrested in Condet, East Jakarta.

"He arranged everything, (explained) how to make bombs, and paid for the purchase of materials for making bombs. HH, his job every day is buying and selling motor vehicles", he continued.

Meanwhile, the terrorist suspect with the initials ZA, who was arrested in Bekasi Regency, was involved in assembling bombs. From the ZA residence, the police found explosives.

"There are 5 active bottle bombs whose content is TATP, high explosive whose explosions were big enough that they were ready to be used”, said Yusri explaining the explosives that were confiscated from ZA's house.

Meanwhile, terrorist suspect AJ is said to have helped assemble the bomb with ZA. AJ was arrested in East Ciputat, South Tangerang.

"Then one more name is BS. We caught this BS at ITC Mangga Dua Mall, Pademangan at the same time. We have arrested four (terrorist suspects) with their respective roles”, said Yusri.

Currently, the police are investigating the links between the four terrorist suspects and Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), a banned mass organization. This is because FPI attributes such as clothes and membership cards were also found, including a poster with Rizieq Shihab's face.

"There is no connection between the suicide explosion at the Makassar Cathedral and the ones yesterday we secured", said Yusri.

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