Hidung is a sense of smell that has an important role in the respiratory organs. Inside the nose there are several important parts that have their own function. One of them is mucus membranes. There are several functions of mucus membranes that we can know about.

To run the function of the mucus membrane of the nose, this part functions by coating the sine area and removing mucus from the respiratory organs. In addition to the nose, mucus membranes can also be found on the lips, eyelids, and ears.

Quoted from the book Basic Concept of IPA Biology for PGSD Students by Ahmad Yani, et al (2021:191) the nose is the outermost respiratory organ. Through the nose, air from the outside will enter the body. The nose has mucus membranes. One of the main functions of mucus membranes on the nose is to help in the function of smell.

Mucus input basically has a very important role in the human respiratory system. In addition, mucus membranes also help protect against bacteria and dirt that enter the body. Below are some of the main functions of mucus membranes.

Mucus selaput produces mucus or mucus which has the function of moisturizing the inhaled air.

This lender also helps warm the air before entering the lungs.

This process is important to prevent drought in the respiratory tract and protect sensitive networks.

Mucus input contains tiny vibrational hairs that we call silia. These vibrational hairs are useful as filtering and capturing dust, impurity, and microorganisms particles that enter along with the inhaled air. Thus, mucus membranes help prevent foreign objects from reaching the interior of the respiratory tract.

Nasal mucus coverage is also useful for protecting the body from various types of bacteria. In other words, mucus membranes will keep away from the cause of disease. Mucus input is able to remove lysozyme enzymes and proteins called defesin. The enzyme has antibacterial properties that help the immune system.

Mucus input also helps regulate body temperature by controlling the air temperature that enters the respiratory tract. This process is of course important so that the body temperature remains stable.

Another function of the mucus membrane of the nose is to help the smell. Mucus selaput will break down the aroma so that the aroma can be detected and the smell of the substance is smelled. Without the function of mucus membranes, chemicals that contain odors are difficult to decompose and odors are difficult to smell.

That's a review of the function of the mucus membrane of the nose. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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