JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that 57 elected members of the DPR RI have not submitted the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). They are threatened not to be inaugurated if until October 1 they do not carry out their obligations.

"If the elected candidates do not submit a receipt, the KPU will not include their names in the list of selected candidates for the inauguration", said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan to reporters in a written statement quoted on Wednesday, September 11.

Pahala said the receipt was submitted to the General Election Commission (KPU) because it was in accordance with Circular Number: 1262/PL.01.9-SDFD/05/2024 and Article 53 of PKPU Number 6 of 2024. "The report on assets from the KPK to the local KPU is no later than 21 days before the inauguration," he said.

The KPK data noted that 99.32 percent or 20,325 of the 20,463 elected DPR/DPRD/DPD members had reported their wealth as of Monday, September 9. This data includes incumbent members or not.

Pahala said that the elected provincial, district and city DPRD members were the most obedient groups with a reporting rate of 99.72 percent. Of the total 19,731 elected candidates, 19,676 have reported, while 55 others have not.

Meanwhile, elected candidates for the DPR reached a reporting percentage of 90.17 percent. "Of the 580 elected candidates, 523 of them have reported LHKPN, while the other 57 have not reported yet," he said.

Meanwhile, the elected DPD members are the lowest to fulfill the LHKPN reporting obligation, which is 82.89 percent. Pahala said that out of a total of 152 elected candidates, 126 have reported and 26 have not submitted their wealth reports.

Furthermore, Pahala said the KPK still received incomplete reports. The details are 26 LHKPN elected DPR members, 10 LHKPN elected DPD members, and 209 LHKPN elected DPRD members.

"KPK urges all elected candidates to immediately complete their LHKPN so as not to hinder the inauguration process," he concluded.

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