The National Police deployed more than 10 thousand personnel to secure the XXI 2024 National Sports Week (PON) which was held in Aceh and North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

The tens of thousands of personnel are a combination of the Aceh Regional Police, North Sumatra Police, TNI, to the Regional Government (Pemda).

"For security from the Aceh Police, the number of personnel deployed was 4,579, 4,190 TNI personnel, from the Provincial Government, namely Satpol PP there were 1,154 personnel and 162 personnel from Basarnas. So a total of 10,085 joint personnel secured the implementation of PON XXI in Aceh," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Shandi Nugroho in his statement, Monday, September 9.

Meanwhile, in security in the North Sumatra region, around 4,970 joint personnel were deployed. Consisting of 1,940 personnel from the Opsda Task Force, 1,819 personnel from the Opsres Task Force, BKO Polri Headquarters as many as 182 personnel, TNI as many as 428 personnel and local government and related agencies as many as 601 personnel.

Meanwhile, for VVIP security, there were 5,093 joint personnel consisting of 3,702 of the TNI, 1,071 of the National Police and the Regional Government as well as 320 related agencies.

"The operation carried out prioritizes preemptive and preventive actions supported by intelligence and law enforcement activities to ensure that the implementation of the XXI 2024 PON in Aceh and North Sumatra runs safely, orderly and smoothly," he said.

In securing the national activity, said Shandi, the Aceh Police held an Operation with the code 'Po Meurah Seulawah 2024' and the North Sumatra Police held an Operation called 'Hatra Toba 2024'.

Security is carried out at several points ranging from contingent arrivals, accommodation, venues, routes to equipment. Then there is also security during the opening and closing activities of PON XXI 2024 as well as VIP and VVIP security and escort.

On this occasion, Shandi invited the participation of the community, especially Aceh and North Sumatra, to make the XXI 2024 PON a success which is expected to produce talented athletes to go to Indonesia Gold 2045.

"The implementation of PON XXI 2024 is an event to produce outstanding athletes who are expected to be able to run in the international world and realize Indonesia Gold 2045," said Shandi.

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