JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has no problem with Azan Maghrib on the Television Station (TV) being replaced by Running Text (the running context) during the mass led by Pope Francis at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Thursday, September 5.

Chairman of the MUI for Fatwa Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh conveyed that from the aspect of Islamic law, the replacement of Azan Maghrib's shows on television into text runs, nothing was violated.

"Actually, from the syar'i aspect, nothing has been violated and that is part of the solution. The issue is not eliminating the call to prayer. This is for the benefit of mass live broadcasts followed by Christian pilgrims who cannot participate in worship at GBK," Niam said in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Previously, the Ministry of Religion issued an appeal that television stations were pleased to broadcast the Maghrib call to prayer in the form of running text when live broadcast of mass services led by Pope Francis later.

The letter also appealed to all national television to broadcast live and not cut off the mass service led by Pope Francis tomorrow Thursday, September 4.

The Ministry of Religion also reminded that the azan Maghrib, which may take place on the sidelines of the mass service, will still be broadcast.

Niam said the policy must be understood as a tribute to the implementation of Christian worship.

"The context is not because Pope Francis came and then the call to prayer was replaced. But because there was a live mass service followed by the congregation via live TV and if it was trapped it would disturb worship," he said.

In a simpler example, he likens live ball broadcasts that coincide with the call to prayer, so the call to prayer will also be replaced with text running.

"There is no problem, it's just a matter of local wisdom," said Ni 'am.

Chairman of the MUI for Da'wah and Ukhuwah KH Cholil Nafis added that the call to prayer on TV is an electronic recording. Muslims do not need to be nervous and there is no need for misunderstandings.

"It's an electronic call to prayer. So it's not the call to prayer in the mosque that is stopped. The real Azan in the mosques still reverberates as a sign of prayer time and a real prayer invitation," said Cholil.

"It's okay. I agree that the call to prayer on TV will be replaced by running text in honor of our Catholic brothers and sisters who are mass organizations," he said.

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