JAKARTA - The policy for non-folding bicycles to enter the Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) train has been observed by the Bike to Work cyclist community. Greeted, but on a critical note. Access is considered less supportive.

The chairman of the Bike to Work (B2W) community, Putut Soedarjanto, admitted that his party gave his appreciation to the management of PT. MRT Jakarta in order to integrate transportation modes in urban areas.

"This is common in other cities in the world where the lives of their citizens are better and more prosperous. This policy should be encouraged," Putut told VOI, Monday, March 29.

A number of B2W members, said Putut, have already tried out the non-folding bicycle facility for entering the Ratangga train. Furthermore, the community provided a written evaluation record to PT. MRT Jakarta.

"We have nine pages of notes, regarding access to stairs leading out of the station," he said.

Bike to Work considers that the path used to guide bicycles (ramps) installed at the edge of the stairs going up and down the MRT station is less supportive for passing bicycles. Too steep and slippery, he said.

"The ramp down is too steep, some of the surfaces of the ramp are slippery, and the ramp is too close to the railing (handrail) of the stairs," said Putut.

Putut said that this record had been submitted to the MRT. Bike to Work also provides suggestions and recommendations for improving facilities that are deemed not making cyclists comfortable.

"The MRT must follow up on this recommendation. However, it is not immediately carried out (repair) such as the steepness of the ramp. It is not easy to condition according to our advice," he explained.

Tested By Anies

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan piloted a trial of the non-folding bicycle facility onto the MRT train on Wednesday, March 24. Anies' group used the Ratangga train from Lebak Bulus Grab Station to the HI Roundabout Station at 06.44 western Indonesia time.

Anies said this policy had been thoroughly studied. However, he did not disclose his experience of guiding a bicycle from the start of the station to its destination.

"We have studied this non-folding bicycle access in-depth since two years ago, by learning from cities in the world that have provided the same facilities," Anies said on his Facebook page.

"During this trial period we will continue to evaluate and we need as much input from friends as possible," he continued.

Currently, non-folding bicycle access is only available at three stations, namely Lebak Bulus Grab, Blok M BCA, and Bundaran HI. However, non-folding bicycle users are only allowed to use the Jakarta MRT outside of peak hours (07.00-9.00 and 17.00-19.00), use train number six in each series, and a maximum of four bicycles per departure.

While on Saturdays and Sundays, non-foldable bicycles are allowed during train operating hours. This restriction is carried out in order to reduce the potential for passenger buildup.

For this trial period, non-folding bikes will be provided with a priority area in the last carriage of the Ratangga series, for a maximum of 4 bikes.

Bicycles that are allowed to enter the carriage are regular bicycles or those commonly used by residents, with the maximum dimensions allowed, namely 200 centimeters x 55 centimeters x 120 centimeters, with a maximum tire width of 15 centimeters. In addition, tandem bicycles are not allowed.

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