JAKARTA - The State Administrative Court (PTUN) rejected the lawsuit filed by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, regarding the ethics process of the KPK Supervisory Board. The verdict was read out today, Tuesday, September 3.

"Declare that the plaintiff's lawsuit is unacceptable," was quoted as saying from the Jakarta Administrative Court Case Investigation Information System (SIPP), Tuesday, September 3.

The lawsuit Number 142/G/TF/2024/PTUN.JKT was decided by Irvan Mawardi as the Chief Judge and two member judges, namely Yuliant Prajaghupta and Ganda Kurniawan. "Punishing the plaintiff to pay the court fee of Rp442.000," still quoted from the site.

Nurul Ghufron sued the KPK Council to the Jakarta Administrative Court last April. He argued that his ethical process related to the alleged abuse of authority at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) should not be continued because it felt that it had expired.

Ghufron had to undergo an ethical process after helping mutations at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). The employee he helped was the son-in-law of a friend.

Apart from the Administrative Court, the Supreme Court (MA) has also rejected a lawsuit related to the Regulation of the Supervisory Board (Perdewas). This decision was made on August 12.

The verdict rejects the application for objection to the right to judicial review (HUM), "as quoted from the website kepaniteraan.makamahagung.go.id on Monday, August 19.

Ghufron's lawsuit is registered with case number: 26P/HUM/2024. The type of state administration case (TUN) and tried by the Chairman of the Assembly Irfan Fachruddin and his two members, Lulik Tri Cahyaningrum and Bright Bangun.

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